Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CR: Social Action Project Thoughts

In English class we are doing a social action project. The project consists of choosing a social issue and creating a way to either make a change or raise awareness for it. I actually really love the idea of this project. I just wish that I had a little more time to actually do the project. I feel that if the project was started a little early, we would be able to accomplish amazing things and even seriously impact people.

I chose to do my project on social ostracism, a form of social rejection that involves an emotional withdrawal that occurs in the physical presence of the target. Ironically, even though victims are visible during social ostracism, it is with this type of ostracism that targets may actually feel invisible. This is because the “offenders” (people, who are doing the ostracizing,) behave like the target is completely invisible, like they do not exist. This actually includes a lot of what we do today such as the silent treatment, the cold shoulder, freezing out, and even ignoring phone calls or emails. Some call ostracism the “social death penalty.” It’s the feeling of being a pariah, of being shunned, ignored by the group, or given the silent treatment.

Many people do not understand the serious effects isolating someone can have on that person mentally and even physically. Ostracism can cause people to become depressed, have suicidal thoughts, physically hurt themselves, have bad moods, become socially awkward, and a lot more. It is important that people understand the consequences of their actions when shunning or ignoring someone. The smallest thing can turn into the biggest problem. So remember to always try to brighten someone’s say because the smallest gesture can also become someone’s brightest treasure. 

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